Ethnomathematics and post-qualitative inquiry: Reconceptualization of a mathematics curriculum with Roma students.


  • George Kyriakopoulos Mr


Palabras clave:

Rhizome, Roma people, Currere


Reconceptualization of the mathematics curriculum with Roma students adapts an methodologically alternative research model where the researcher explores like a nomad the common spaces of mathematical knowledge. This exploration reveals a rhizome which portrays the possibilities offered to the educational process when mathematics curriculum is oriented to the culture and the historical moment of the students. On the occasion of the birth of a child, a series of mathematical activities which are adapted to their historical present and acquire meaning and substance through everyday life is developed. The developed rhizome gives the opportunity to understand the essence of their daily life and to examine through mathematics power relations and way of action in this specific population group.


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Cómo citar

Kyriakopoulos, G. . (2024). Ethnomathematics and post-qualitative inquiry: Reconceptualization of a mathematics curriculum with Roma students. Revista Latinoamericana De Etnomatemática Perspectivas Socioculturales De La Educación Matemática, 15(Especial), 60-77.