Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- CVLac profile (only for colombian authors)
Author Guidelines
Process of reception of articles
1. The Latin American Journal of Ethnomathematics has as its main objective the diffusion of works of investigation, of reflection or review of a topic, interviews, and book reviews in the area of Ethnomathematics, as well as works related to the sociocultural and political aspects of the process of teaching and learning mathematics.
2. The articles submitted must belong to one of the following classifications:- Articles of investigation: Document that presents, in a detailed way, the original results of investigation projects completed. The structure generally utilizes four important sections: introduction (problematic, research question, antecedents, theoretical framework), methodology, results, and conclusions.
- Articles of reflection: Document that presents the results of an investigation finished from an analytic or interpretive perspective or author critique, about a specific theme, using original sources.
- Articles of review: Document that results from a completed investigation where the results of published or non-published investigations, about a field of science or technology, are analyzed, sistematized, or integrated with the objective of realizing the advances and the tendencies of the development. It is characterized by a presentation of a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.
- Interviews
- Book reviews
3. The article must be of an original character and not submitted for review in another journal.The journal will confirm this before initiating the peer review process with the anti plagiarism software EPHORIS. If the result coinciding with another article or text already published is greater than 40%, the article will be rejected immediately.
4. The authors must standardize their signatures by entering and using it to sign the article in order to be cited correctly. This is an obligatory step.
5. The articles can be written in Spanish, English, French, or Portuguese.
6. Send your articles for evaluation during the entire year, ONLY through the electronic platform in which the journal is found (Open Journal System). If you are not registered you must do it in REGISTER using the standardized signature of step 4. If you are already registered, sign in with your user name and password.
7. All communication should be carried out with the primary author, except if contrarily indicated by the authors.
8. The director of the journal reserves the right to immediately reject articles that are poorly edited or that do not comply with the norms specified below.
9. Before submitting an article, carry out an evaluation of this according to the formats of evaluation of the journal RESEARCH ARTICLES EVALUATION or ARTICLES OF REFLECTION OR REVIEW EVALUATION
10. You have downloaded the letter of declaration of conflict of interest, completed the requested information, and signed all the authors of the article. I have the letter ready to upload it as a companion file. LETTER OF DECLARATION OF CONFLICTS OF INTERESTArticle Format
Number of pages: It should not exceed 20 pages including the bibliography
Page layout: letter size, left, right, top and bottom margins: 2.54 cm; no headers
Title (Language in which the article is written): Times New Roman font, size 16, bold, centered. It must start with a capital letter and after a colon (:) it must start with a lowercase letter, except proper nouns.
Title 2 (English or another language): Times New Roman font, size 14, bold, centered. It must start with a capital letter and after a colon (:) it must start with a lowercase letter, except proper nouns.
Author(s) Name(s): Times New Roman font, size 12, aligned to the right. A footer must be inserted for each author with the following data: title, institution to which they belong, city, country and email.
Abstract: the word Abstract must be written in Times New Roman font, size 12, in bold, and centered. The next line is left-aligned without indentation. The abstract of the article must be written in Times New Roman font, size 10, single line spacing, justified to the left without indentation, must contain up to 300 words.
Keywords: The word Keywords must be written in Times New Roman font, size 10, in italics, single line spacing and indentation. Words are separated by commas and in lower case, except for proper nouns.
Abstract: the word Abstract must be written in Times New Roman font, size 12, in bold, centered. The abstract of the article must be written in Times New Roman font, size 10, single line spacing, justified, must contain up to 300 words.
Key words: The word Key words must be written in Times New Roman font, size 10, in italics, single line spacing and indentation. Words are separated by commas and in lower case, except for proper nouns.
First-level subheadings: Times New Roman font, size 12, bold, left-justified, capitalized, and numbered.
Second level subheadings: Times New Roman font, size 12, bold, justified to the left, only the first letter in uppercase and numbered.
1.1 Contextualization
Third level subheadings: Times New Roman font, size 12, indented, first letter capitalized only, italicized and numbered.
1.1.1 Geographic characteristics
Body of the work: Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing 1.5, justified.
Tables and figures: all tables and figures should be numbered and named at the top, Times New Roman font, size 12, only the word table or figure in bold, add a descriptive title of the table or figure in italics and a note to the end of table or figure with additional descriptions and author attribution, all left-justified. It is necessary that within the text the call is made to the tables or figures, for example: see figure 2; as indicated in table 4.
Table 1
Personal monthly budget
Note. Data taken from the monthly report of the company x of Bogotá (2022).
Citations: APA standards, seventh edition, should be used as indicated below:
narrative quote
The author is included in the writing of the
paragraph. The date is between
parenthesis.- Emphasis on the author.
- It involves the use of citation phrases.
- Example: Aldo (2020) states that...
parenthetical citation
- The idea and the author's data are mentioned
and date appear in parentheses. - Emphasis in the text.
- It does not imply the use of citation phrases.
- Example: (Aldo, 2020).
Verbatim quote (less than 40 words):
If the citation is less than 40 words, it is integrated into the paragraph and placed in quotation marks, without italics. Write a period at the end of the sentence that includes the citation, as indicated below.
- narrative quote
According to Author(s) Surname(s) (Year), “Author's quote” (p. #).
According to Valero (2021),“los distintos grupos institucionales de educación matemática, su colaboración y su conexión con las corrientes internacionales de investigación formaron un terreno propicio para la expansión de las preocupaciones prácticas, curriculares y académicas sobre la educación matemática” (p.48).
- parenthetical citation
"Author's textual citation" (Author's Surname(s), Year, p. #).
“Hacia una filosofía de la educación matemática crítica” (Skovsmose, 1999, p.8).
Verbatim quote (greater than 40 words):
If the quote is longer than 40 words, it is written separately from the text, with a left indentation (1.27cm) and without quotation marks, the font size and line spacing are preserved.
- narrative quote
According to Author(s) Surname(s) (Year):
Verbatim quote from the author. (p.#)
According to Garcia (2018):
la funcionalidad de las prácticas sociales, en específico de la práctica social de modelación, en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la diferencial, se diseñó y aplicó una actividad didáctica; estos procesos y resultados muestran que una enseñanza de las matemáticas enfocada en las prácticas o actividades humanas puede ayudar a resignificar el conocimiento. (p. 140)
- parenthetical citation
Verbatim quote from the author. (Surname(s) author(s), Year, p. #).
A introdução de uma disciplina de educação etnomatemática no sistema universitário de ensino terá como primeira consequência impedir que o ensino superior da matemática continue a repercutir cegamente no ensino fundamental e médio, à maneira de reprodução cíclica de um sistema cruelmente fechado e implacavelmente alienado por exclusões em cadeia “programadas” pelas próprias instituições docentes (Vergani, 2007, p. 45).
Paraphrasing quote:
The quote uses the ideas of another author, but in the writer's own words, which implies a reformulation of the information that goes beyond the use of synonyms. In this citation it is necessary to mention the author's last name and the year of publication.
- narrative paraphrasing
Author(s) surname(s) (Year) Reworked citation.
According to Ávila (2014) recovering, legitimizing and incorporating the mathematical knowledge of the original peoples, into the formal teaching processes, is an objective that is recognized as having great importance in contemporary indigenous education in Mexico. However, as this same author points out, authentic didactic developments are needed that allow it to be fulfilled.
- parenthetical paraphrase
Reworked citation (Author(s) Surname(s), Year).
A mathematical modeling project oriented by social, political and critical aspects, must promote the critical participation of students/citizens in society, when discussing political, economic or environmental issues in which mathematics serves as technological support (Skovsmose, 1994) .
Rules based on the number of authors
References: The word References must be centered and in bold, in alphabetical order by last name of the first author, references will be written with 1.5 line spacing and French indentation. ONLY THE REFERENCES THAT HAVE BEEN CITED IN THE ARTICLE WILL BE PLACED and the APA standards, seventh edition, must be used.
Components of the references:
- Author: Who is responsible for the work?
- Date: When was it published?
- Title: What is the work called?
- Source: Where can it be found?
Differentiation according to the number of authors:
Examples of main references
Basic way to cite books
Surname, A.A. (Year). Title in italics (edition). Editorial. urls
book with author
Surname, A.A. (Year). Title in italics. Editorial.
Aroca, A. (2009). Geometría en las mochilas arhuacas: Por una enseñanza de las matemáticas desde una perspectiva cultural (2nd ed.). Programa Editorial Universidad del Valle.
book with publisher
Surname, A.A. (Ed.). (Year). Title in italics. Editorial. URL (optional)
Parra, A., & Caicedo, N. (Eds.). (2009). Matemáticas en el mundo nasa. El fuego azul
Book with electronic version
Surname, A.A. (Year). Title in italics. Publisher (if applicable). URLs.
Keller, O. (2000). Préhistoire de l’arithmétique: la découverte du nombre et du calcul. Ellipses Édition.
book with translation
Surname, A. A., and Surname, B. B. (Year). Title of the book (A. Last name of the translator, Trad., Edition number if applicable). Editorial. (Original work published in Year).
Piaget, J., & Inhelder, B. (1969). The psychology of the child (H. Weaver, Trad., 2.ª ed.). Basic Books. (Original work published 1966).
chapter of a book
Surname, A. A., and Surname, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or entry. In A.A. Surname. (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. ## - ##). Editorial.
Keller, O. (2000). Préhistoire de l’arithmétique: la découverte du nombre et du calcul. En É. Barbin, & J.-P. Le Goff (Eds.), Si le nombre m’était conté (pp. 15-39). Ellipses Édition.
Basic form of scientific articles
Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B. and Surname, C. C. (Date). Article title. Name of the journal in italics, volume in italics (number), pp-pp.
printed article
Surname, A.A. (Date). Article title. Name of the journal in italics, volume in italics (number), pp-pp.
Frankenstein, M. (1983). Critical mathematics education: An application of Paulo Freire’s. Journal of Education, 165(4), 315-339.
online article
Surname, A.A. (Date). Article title. Name of the journal in italics, volume in italics (number), pp-pp. urls
Rosa, M. & Orey, D. (2009). Symmetrical freedom quilts: the ethnomathematics of ways of communication, liberation, and art. Revista Latinoamericana de Etnomatemática, 2(2). 52-75.
Article with DOI
Surname, A.A. (Date). Article title. Name of the journal in italics, volume in italics (number), pp-pp. DOI link.
Redford, L. (2021). Las etnomatemáticas en la encrucijada de la descolonización y la recolonización de saberes. Revista Latinoamericana De Etnomatemática Perspectivas Socioculturales De La Educación Matemática, 14(2), 1-31.
printed newspaper
Surname, A.A. (Date). Article title. Name of the newspaper, page without abbreviation.
Díez, A. y Baquero, C. S. (2020, 2 de enero). La cúpula de ERC blinda con su apoyo la investidura de Sánchez. El País, 4.
online newspaper
Surname, A.A. (Date). Article title. Name of the newspaper. urls
Varea, R. (2019, junio 7). Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, la huella de Colombia en la región. El País.
Magazine article (Magazine)
Surname, A.A. (Date). Article title. Journal name, volume (number), pp-pp.
Fernández Poncela, A. M. (2019). Patrimonio desde las percepciones, emociones, miradas y discursos sociales. Apuntes, 32(2), 5-19.
Surname, A.A. (Date). Article title. Name of the magazine, volume (number). urls
Morales, M. A. (2018). ¿Cómo abarcar, desde el enfoque centrado en la persona, las tutorías difíciles? El Escribano, 5.
Government reports
Organization name's. (Year). Title of the report (Number of the publication). urls
Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social. (2016). Política de Atención Integral en Salud.
Symposia, conferences and congresses
Surname, A. and Surname, B. (Date). Title of the paper [type of contribution]. Title of the symposium or congress, City, Country. urls
Guacaneme, E. A. (2007, de 1 al 2 de octubre) Una aproximación a la Historia de las matemáticas y al conocimiento histórico de las Matemáticas [conferencia]. 8° Encuentro Colombiano de Matemática Educativa, Cali, Colombia.
Thesis and degree works
Posted in an online database
Surname, A. (Year). Title of the thesis [Undergraduate, master's or doctoral thesis, name of institution that grants the degree]. Database name. urls
Adams, R. J. (1973). Building a foundation for evaluation of instruction in higher education and continuing education [Tesis doctoral]. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Posted online (not in a database)
Surname, A. (Year). Title of the thesis [Undergraduate, master's or doctoral thesis, name of institution that grants the degree]. Digital file. urls
Aroca, A. (2007). Una propuesta de enseñanza de geometría desde una perspectiva cultural. Comunidad indígena Ika, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta [Trabajo de investigación de maestría, Instituto de Educación y Pedagogía, Universidad del Valle]. Archivo digital.
Examples of other references
References of electronic and audiovisual material
The terms "of" and "DOI" have been removed from all electronic materials and other sources in the online version. In Some of these sources do not reveal the dates of publication. In this case, (s.f) is used, which means "no date".
Pages on the World Wide Web (www)
Surname, A. (Date). Title. Website name. urls
Organización Mundial de la Salud [OMS]. (2017, 1 de abril). Malnutrición.
Film or motion picture tape
Surname of the director, A. (director). (Year). Movie name [Movie]. Production company.URL
Paulo, O. (Director). (2018). Durante la tormenta [Película]. Atresmedia Cine.
TV series
Producer's last name, A. (Producer). (Year). Name of the series [TV series]. Producer.
Walley-Beckett, M. (Productora). (2017-2020). Anne with an E [serie de televisión].CBC.
Surname, A. (Date). Name of the video [Video]. Font. urls
Editorial Universidad de Nariño. (2022, 25 de abril). ‘Con-Texto y Oralidad’ Matemáticas y cálculo en la vida cotidiana [Video]. YouTube.
Recorded webinar
Rapporteur's surname, A. (Year). Title of the Webinar [Webinar]. Name of the company or department. urls
Cucarella, L. A. (2020). Justicia constitucional y convencional: diálogo entre juece [seminario Web]. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas Universidad de Nariño.
Surname, A. (Date). Title of the podcast [audio or video podcast]. urls
Ramírez, C. (2018). Laboratorio Sonoro ¡Del Aula a la Radio! [Podcast].
Social Media Posts
basic form
Autor, A.A. [@usuario para Twitter e Instagram].(fecha). Título o descripción del contenido con un máximo de 20 palabras. Nombre del sitio. URL
Udenar Periódico [@udenarperiodico]. (2018, 21 de junio). La Universidad de Nariño clasificada en el Ranking “SIR World 2018”. [Tweet]. Twitter.
Real Academia Española (2020, 4 de julio). El 4 de julio de 1862 Lewis Carroll empezó a contar la historia de Alicia en el país de las maravillas [Publicación]. Facebook.
Udenar Periódico[@udenar_periodico]. (2022, 22 de junio Novedad editorial [Fotografía]. Instagram.
The material presented in this section has been adapted from:
American Psychological Association. (2019). Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association (7th ed.).
American Psychological Association. (2019). Style and Grammar Guidelines.
American Psychological Association. (May 19, 2020). What’s new in the seventh
edition. Publication Manual. APA Style.
Centro de Escritura Javeriano. (2020). Normas APA, septima edición. Pontificia Universidad
Javeriana, seccional Cali.
Research Articles
Document that presents, in a detailed way, the original results of investigation projects completed. The structure generally utilizes four important sections: introduction (problematic, research question, antecedents, theoretical framework), methodology, results, and conclusions.Reflection Articles
Document that presents the results of an investigation finished from an analytic or interpretive perspective or author critique, about a specific theme, using original sources.
Review Articles
Document that results from a completed investigation where the results of published or non-published investigations, about a field of science or technology, are analyzed, sistematized, or integrated with the objective of realizing the advances and the tendencies of the development. It is characterized by a presentation of a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.
Copyright Notice
Once the article is accepted by the Latin American Journal of Ethnomathematics, the authors cede the rights to publish and distribute the text electronically, including storing it and making it available online.
The authors can distribute their own material without soliciting permission from the Latin American Journal of Ethnomathematics, whenever mentioning that the original version is found at
Copyright © 2008, Latin American Journal of Ethnomathematics
All contents of the Latin American Journal of Ethnomathematics are published under the _ and can be used freely, giving credits to the authors and to the Journal, as established by this license.
Privacy Statement
The names and e-mail addresses in this journal are used exclusively for the objectives declared by this journal and are not available for any other purpose or person.