Information For Authors
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Authors need to register in the journal to make submissions, or if they are already registered they can simply identify themselves and start the 5-step process.
Process of reception of articles
1. The Latin American Journal of Ethnomathematics has as its main objective the diffusion of works of investigation, of reflection or review of a topic, interviews, and book reviews in the area of Ethnomathematics, as well as works related to the sociocultural and political aspects of the process of teaching and learning mathematics.
2. The articles submitted must belong to one of the following classifications:
- Articles of investigation: Document that presents, in a detailed way, the original results of investigation projects completed. The structure generally utilizes four important sections: introduction (problematic, research question, antecedents, theoretical framework), methodology, results, and conclusions.
- Articles of reflection: Document that presents the results of an investigation finished from an analytic or interpretive perspective or author critique, about a specific theme, using original sources.
- Articles of review: Document that results from a completed investigation where the results of published or non-published investigations, about a field of science or technology, are analyzed, sistematized, or integrated with the objective of realizing the advances and the tendencies of the development. It is characterized by a presentation of a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.
- Interviews
- Book reviews
3. The article must be of an original character and not submitted for review in another journal.The journal will confirm this before initiating the peer review process with the anti plagiarism software EPHORIS. If the result coinciding with another article or text already published is greater than 40%, the article will be rejected immediately.
4. The authors must standardize their signatures by entering and using it to sign the article in order to be cited correctly. This is an obligatory step.
5. The articles can be written in Spanish, English, French, or Portuguese.
6. Send your articles for evaluation during the entire year, ONLY through the electronic platform in which the journal is found (Open Journal System). If you are not registered you must do it in REGISTER using the standardized signature of step 4. If you are already registered, sign in with your user name and password.
7. All communication should be carried out with the primary author, except if contrarily indicated by the authors.
8. The director of the journal reserves the right to immediately reject articles that are poorly edited or that do not comply with the norms specified below.
9. Before submitting an article, carry out an evaluation of this according to the formats of evaluation of the journal RESEARCH ARTICLES EVALUATION or ARTICLES OF REFLECTION OR REVIEW EVALUATION
10. You have downloaded the letter of declaration of conflict of interest, completed the requested information, and signed all the authors of the article. I have the letter ready to upload it as a companion file. LETTER OF DECLARATION OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
Research Articles
Document that presents, in a detailed way, the original results of investigation projects completed. The structure generally utilizes four important sections: introduction (problematic, research question, antecedents, theoretical framework), methodology, results, and conclusions.Make a new submission to the Research Articles section.
Reflection Articles
Document that presents the results of an investigation finished from an analytic or interpretive perspective or author critique, about a specific theme, using original sources.
Make a new submission to the Reflection Articles section.
Review Articles
Document that results from a completed investigation where the results of published or non-published investigations, about a field of science or technology, are analyzed, sistematized, or integrated with the objective of realizing the advances and the tendencies of the development. It is characterized by a presentation of a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.
Make a new submission to the Review Articles section.