The mathematical pattern of the shroud in the mortuary bundle of Zimapán, Hidalgo


  • Mariana Galán Tamés Coordinación Nacional de Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural - INAH
  • Luisa Mainou
  • Judith Gómez González
  • Ariana Aguilar Romero


Palabras clave:

Matemáticas, Simetría , Textil prehispánico, Homotecia


Among other material remains found in a burial from a rock shelter in Zimapán, the shroud that wrapped a pre-Hispanic individual presents a distinctive pattern that is not noticeable to the naked eye. One of its most interesting elements is the mathematical thinking behind this which is repeated throughout the entire textile as the main motif. The main objective of this article is to analyze the mathematical and geometric aspects of the shroud’s weaving technique.

Categories of analysis will include plane geometry (polygons and angles), transformational geometry (translations, reflections, and rotations), graph theory, the minimal motif, and the generating system. The analysis will also include reflections on the constructive logic of this textile piece, for example under the notion of measurement and its reproduction. These observations can also contribute to research on the identification of different traditions of weaving and subsequent comparative analyses between different pieces.


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Cómo citar

Galán Tamés, M., Mainou, L., Gómez González, J. ., & Aguilar Romero, A. (2021). The mathematical pattern of the shroud in the mortuary bundle of Zimapán, Hidalgo. Revista Latinoamericana De Etnomatemática Perspectivas Socioculturales De La Educación Matemática, 14(2), 32-53.



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