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The (re)discovery of mathematical knowledge outside of school from a math trail: a study based on Ethnomodelling




Etnomatemática, Modelagem Matemática, Etnomodelagem, Perspectiva Sociocultural, Trilhas de Matemática.


This theoretical article discusses the contribution of the ethnomathematics program and its connection with mathematical modelling in a sociocultural perspective through ethnomodelling in the context of math trails, whose main objective is to follow different paths for the development of processes of teaching and learning mathematics. Math trails can be considered a proposal for pedagogical action in which teachers use extra-school activities so that students can perceive mathematical knowledge in tasks performed outside of the classrooms at specific points on the streets of where they live. Thus, a need arose to develop modules for extracurricular mathematical activities, so that problem-situations faced in the daily lives of students could be connected to school. Through a reflexive analysis of the sociocultural and natural environments of the school community, the activities were based on phenomena present in the daily life of their communities and encourage active and criticalness in individuals in the teaching and learning processes in mathematics. This article seeks to analyze and discuss the sociocultural perspective of ethnomodelling that aims to assist learners in reading their reality, directing them to a better understanding of their surroundings through participation in the math trails and by enabling them to interact in-depth with the world itself


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Author Biographies

Jéssica Rodrigues, UFOP


Milton Rosa, UFOP

Professor associado I

Daniel Clark Orey, UFOP

Professor associado I


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, J., Rosa, M., & Orey, D. C. (2021). The (re)discovery of mathematical knowledge outside of school from a math trail: a study based on Ethnomodelling. Latin American Journal of Ethnomathematics: Sociocultural Perspective of Mathematics Education, 14(2), 32-53.



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