Local practices and mathematical contextualized tasks from Andalucia, Spain
Ethnomathematics, Local Practices, Geometry, Andalusian Culture, Seaming, Dance, Task ContextualizationAbstract
One of the implications of the Program Ethnomathematics in the educational environment points to the inclusion of local practices in the school curriculum. For this, first it is necessary to build bridges between these and the global knowledge determined by the mathematics present in the classrooms. Afterwards, the elaboration of tasks with authentic and culturally significant contextualization is proposed to connect the local with the global at school. We present an ethnographic research on cultural signs from Andalusia, southern Spain, in particular the seaming of the skirt of the traditional Andalusian dress and a figure of the dance of the Sevillanas. We analyse the data obtained involving geometrical content. Finally, we present proposals of tasks based on these results.
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