Saberes Matemáticos Ancestrales: una mirada Etnomatemática al tejido en lana de ovejo
Ancestral mathematical knowledge: an Ethnomathematical look at sheep wool weaving
Ethnomathematics, practice, ancestral knowledgeAbstract
is work was born as a response to the disarticulation between school mathematical knowledge and cultural practices developed in the Yanacona de Caquiona indigenous community, municipality of Almaguer, Cauca, Colombia. Faced with this problem, we sought to identify Ancestral Mathematical Knowledge (SMA) in sheep wool weaving, from a sociocultural perspective framed in Ethnomathematics, with a qualitative approach and ethnographic methodological fabric. The identification of SMA implied the participation of the researcher in the natural environment of the weavers, through the execution of activities such as negotiation, access and field work; using participant observation and semi-structured interview as techniques to obtain information. In this sense, among the findings it was found that in the practice of weaving SMA related to universal mathematical activities such as: measuring, counting and designing are present (Bishop, 1999). Also, it was possible to conceptualize a notion of SMA from a joint reflection exercise regarding what the knowledgeable consider as mathematical and ancestral within the fabric, recognizing in them, not only the ability to execute a practice, but also, and mainly, the ability to reflect on it. Likewise, it was possible to describe the process of elaboration of some sheep wool fabrics, discovering that 6 stages are developed to weave, and it was revealed that for the community of Caquiona this practice is synonymous with life and tradition, and that it contributes to its survival and transcendence over time.
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