Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The Latin American Journal of Ethnomathematics: RevLatEm, ISSN: 2011-5474, is an electronic publication that comes out every four months and is reviewed by the Latin American Network of Ethnomathematics and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Nariño, that has as its main objective the diffusion of works of investigation, of reflection or review of a topic, interviews, and book reviews in the area of Ethnomathematics, as well as works related to the sociocultural and political aspects of the process of teaching and learning mathematics.

The RevLatEm publishes three numbers per year, in the months of February, June, and October, and is distributed freely to the members of the Latin American Network of Ethnomathematics, investigation groups, graduates of mathe formation and those exercising and postgraduate national and international students.

The Latin American Network of Ethnomathematics and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Nariño, invite all graduates and investigators of Ethnomathematics, Math Education and The History of Mathematics to send their articles, written in Spanish, Portuguese, French or English, for evaluation by the editorial committee, during the entire year, ONLY through the electronic platform in which the journal is found (Open Journal System). If you are not registered, you must first standardize your signature in signature standardization and then register using the standardized signature in REGISTER. If you are already registered, sign in with your user name and password.

Section Policies

Research Articles

Document that presents, in a detailed way, the original results of investigation projects completed. The structure generally utilizes four important sections: introduction (problematic, research question, antecedents, theoretical framework), methodology, results, and conclusions.

Reflection Articles

Document that presents the results of an investigation finished from an analytic or interpretive perspective or author critique, about a specific theme, using original sources.

Review Articles

Document that results from a completed investigation where the results of published or non-published investigations, about a field of science or technology, are analyzed, sistematized, or integrated with the objective of realizing the advances and the tendencies of the development. It is characterized by a presentation of a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.

Peer Review Process

Each article will be submitted to the following evaluation process:

  1. The articles received will be objected to a preliminary evaluation by the editorial committee or editor, who will determine the thematic pertinence and the compliance with the norms of format established by the interview (Estimated time: one month)
  2. If the article does not comply with the norms of format, citation, or bibliographic references in APA norms, it will be returned to the authors to correct and send within a period of 15 days.
  3. Once the article is approved in the preliminary evaluation, it will be sent (without author) to two pairs of external scholars, who will determine in an anonymous way: a) publish without modifications, b) publish with minor changes, c) publish with major changes, and d) not accepted for publication. (Estimated time: three months)
  4. In the case of a discrepancy between both results, the article will be evaluated by an editor or member of the editorial committee whose decisión will determine its publication.
  5. If the article is accepted with changes, the author will be notified and he/she will send the changes within a period of one month together with a document that explains in detail the changes made.
  6. The article with changes will be submitted again to the reviewers to see if they are satisfied with the changes made.
  7. All works, including those carried out by the members of the editorial committee or editor, will be submitted to the same process of revision.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate, free access to its contents under the principal that making the investigation available for free to the public encourages a larger exchange of global knowledge.

Latin American Journal of Ethnomathematics by the Universidad de Nariño y Red Latinoamericana de Etnomatemática is distributed under a Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional.

Licencia Creative Commons


This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create an archive distributed between the participating libraries, permitting those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal with the objective of preservation and restuaration. 

Publication Ethics & Malpractice Statement

The Latin American Journal of Ethnomathematics hopes and will assure that all parties (editors, blind reviewers, and authors) strictly comply with the international ethics standards in the publication process. The Latin American Journal of Ethnomathematics keeps in mind the standards recognized in the COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and in International Standards for editors and authors published by the Committee on Publication Ethics.

Some of them are the following:

1) The Editors must:

- Adopt the best methods of blind revisión for their journals and for the scientific community they serve.

- Assure that all the scientific articles have been reviewed by qualified reviewers of the field.

- Assure that the sections of the journal that are not peer-reviewed are clearly defined.

- Promote that the reviewers assure the originality of the submissions and are alert to the possibility of plagiarism. (Ver política antiplagio)

- Assure the selection of reviewers appropriate for each submission.

- Promote that the reviewers comment on ethical questions and posible ethical anomalies in the submissions.

- Publish clear instructions in the journals about the norms of submission, highlighting what is expected of the authors.

- Support initiatives that educate investigators about the ethics of scientific publications.

- Advise about the effects of the politics of editing of the journal to the authors and reviewers and review said politics when required with the objective of promoting a responsible conduct and scientific quality disapproving of inappropriate conduct.

2) The Authors must:

- Present investigations that have been developed in an ethical and responsible way.

- Present the results in a clear, and honest way, without fabrications, falsifications, or inappropriate manipulation of the data.

- Make an effort to describe the methods in a clear and not ambiguous way so that the results can be confirmed and replicated by the scientific community.

- Adhere to the requirements of the publication that underscore that the manuscript submitted is original, it not plagiarism, and has not been published previously.

- Take charge of and the responsibility of the work sent and published.

- Accurately reflect on and report the previous contributions of the scientific work that other authors have carried out previously.

- Highlight the resources with which the investigation has been financed and if there could be a conflict of interests.

3) The Reviewers must:

- Inform the editors of posible fabrications, falsifications, or inappropriate conduct in the process of investigation or in the manipulation of data.

- Argue accurately about the reasons why the submission is not adequate for publication in the Latin American Journal of Ethnomathematics.

- Comply with the revisión times agreed upon by the editors.

- Carry out revisions in the most objective way posible. Any personal critique of the author is rejected. The revision has to be supported in arguments (pretensions of validity), not in positions of power (expressed by pretensions of power and personalized criticism).

- Identify and suggest key publications that have not been cited by the authors if appropriate to the case.

Frequency of publication

Starting June 2013, the frequency of the publication changes to three numbers per year, in the months of February, June, and October.

Anti Plagiarism Policies

All articles proposed to the Latin American Journal of Ethnomathematics will be reviewed, before initiating the process of peer-revision, with the anti-plagiarism software EPHORUS. If the result coinciding with another article or text already published is greater than 40%, the article will be rejected immediately.


No Fee Policy

The Latin American Journal of Ethnomathematics:

1. There is NO fee for processing articles (APC)s

2. NO fee is established for submitting articles

3. There are NO policies for fee exemption (for authors of developing countries, etc.) because we have NO fees.


The articles can be written in Spanish, English, Portuguese, or French.

Policy of signature standardization

The authors must standardize their signatures by entering http://www.iralis.org and using it to sign the article in order to be correctly cited.

Conflict of interest

The authors must declare that they do not have any potential or real conflict of a financial or personal type or of any other nature with other people or organizations in the following two years after submitting the article, that could negatively influence the completed work.

It should be clarified that that there would be a conflict of interests in a certain manuscript submitted to the Latin American Journal of Ethnomathematics, anytime that a participant exposes problems of intellectual property, intellectual rivalry, or has connections with activities that could influence his/her judgement in an appropriate way during the process of writing and revision; such is the case of the financial relationships with a company or institutional entity that supports the investigative work.

It is mandatory to download the letter of declaration of conflict of interest, complete the information requested, and the signature of all authors of the article. Then upload it as a complementary file LETTER OF DECLARATION OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST