Ethnomathematics and collaborative work in inclusive adult education and in the context of solidarity economy
Mathematics Educations, Solidary Economic Enterprise, Special Education, Cooperation, Social inclusion.Abstract
This article addresses pedagogical activities of Mathematics Education developed in the context of a Solidary Economic Enterprise (SEE). The aim of this investigation was to plan and execute pedagogical actions in this context based on the principles of Ethnomathematics, starting from D’Ambrosio, Knijnik, Rosa and Orey and Lübeck and Rodrigues; and also, Vygotsky’s theory regarding collaborative work. The investigation followed a predominantly qualitative approach based on the action research methodology, which sought to promote the social transformation of the members of this SEE by solving problems with respect to the mathematical knowledge involved in calculating change of money in the sales processes inherent to the activities of their work. As a result, it was observed that considering the Ethnomathematics of this EES favored the understanding and appreciation of mathematical practices and that the collaborative work developed helped in the discussions on mathematical procedures and concepts, mainly strengthening the principle of cooperation, which is one of the pillars of the Solidary Economy.
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- 2020-09-28 (2)
- 2019-12-26 (1)
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